
拉丁传统月, 1988年被联邦政府指定为西班牙传统月, is observed from September 15th to October 15th by celebrating the rich historical and cultural legacies of individuals whose ancestors came from the 加勒比海、中美洲和南美洲、西班牙和墨西哥. The day of September 15th is significant because it marks the anniversary of independence for multiple Latin A茶花会 countries. 在这30天内, the 多元文化参与与包容中心(CMEI) and our partners in Student Affairs, 公平与学生成就中心(CESA), 性别教育与倡导研究所(GITA), 女奇卡诺人/ o研究, and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion will facilitate programs and events that highlight historical and contemporary contributions of the Latinx community to the fabric of our campus and society.  

The term “Latinx” relates to people of Latin A茶花会 origin or descent and is used as a gender-neutral or non-binary alternative to Latina/o. 也就是说, terms like “Hispanic” and “Latinx” are based in language that privileges non-indigenous and non-Black identities and center Eurocentric views of history. We strive to be inclusive and welcoming of all identities and for that reason share this critique.

这个月的目标是 Auraria校园社区 to walk away with new knowledge and new connections to the campus by sharing information and building community with one another. Auraria校园社区 is 鼓励讨论本地和全球事件和演讲 重要的问题. 此外,CMEI将 提供 节目围绕主题 por la 文化/文化联合 与国家主题的关系 of 森:一个更强大的国家的包容性. 



The purpose of 恒生指数周 is to recognize 569 HSIs throughout the nation for their work and critical role in educating and empowering Hispanics/Latina/o/x. This year 恒生指数周, sponsored by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion is September 11 – 15. 密歇根州立大学丹佛分校 参与 by hosting several events and sharing stories about our impact on our students and community in the Early Bird and on social media. 欲知更多有关 恒生指数周,请访问多元化和包容性办公室的网站. 


Sigma Lambda Gamma国家姐妹会公司的Upsilon Zeta分会. Raffle

As a Latina founded multicultural organization with cultural awareness being one of our five founding principles, we find it crucial to celebrate 拉丁传统月 and stay actively involved with 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s community, 尤其是因为它是一个为西班牙裔服务的机构. 

There are items in the basket that are found to be significant in Hispanic culture that those who identify as being Hispanic may find to be representative of their identity. 除此之外, those who may not identify as Hispanic may take this as an opportunity to familiarize themselves with items that are prominent in some Hispanic cultures and appreciate the value and significance they may bring. All the items included are not exclusive to those who identify as Hispanic, 而且都与西班牙文化无关.  

The funds of this raffle will be used to continue the service our sorority strives to offer and continue to expand our presence at the Auraria campus. All ticket purchases will be through our Venmo account @Gammas_Auraria1. If this does not work for you, please visit our Instagram page for additional options. Ticket prices are as follows: 1 ticket for $3, 2 tickets for $5, and 4 tickets for $10. 购票请联系Instagram上的@Auraria_gammas.



9月18日星期一th | 11:30am - 1:30pm 蒂沃利·特恩哈尔250号

Join the 多元文化参与与包容中心 and University of Colorado – 丹佛’s Center for Identity and Inclusion in 标志着庆祝拉丁裔学生的开始, 家庭, 校友, 教师, 工作人员和社区成员. All attendees are 欢迎 and can drop in during the time frame to celebrate the many diverse countries, 国人民, 以及美国的文化 加勒比海、中美洲和南美洲、西班牙和墨西哥. 表演包括民间舞蹈团的巴利民间舞蹈, Los Guitaristas的原声吉他表演, 音乐表演由Mayra Alejandra Music提供.   


quisamin Dijo Buenas?

9月27日星期三|下午1 - 3点| JSSB 211

Join the 多元文化参与与包容中心 and Pathways to Possible for a celebration of 拉丁传统月 as you play Loteria, 像宾果游戏, where illustrated cards depicting the Mexican aesthetic replace bingo balls. Come meet new friends and eat Pan Dulce and other Latinx inspired treats.  


女权主义者的第一个周一. 艾琳·劳拉博士.D

10月2日星期一nd | 1 下午3:15:Tivoli 320  

为了纪念LHM, The Gender Institute for Teaching and Advocacy invites you to join us for Feminist First Mondays, a series in collaboration with the 部门 of Chican@ Studies and The 部门 性别、妇女与性研究. 这次活动的特色是由Dr. 艾琳·劳拉,女权主义学者,教师, femtor,活动家和教育家. Dr. 劳拉是这本书的编辑 Fleshing the Spirit: Spirituality and Activism in Chicana, Latina, and Indigenous Women’s Lives.



Tuesday, October 3rd | NOON – 1:00PM | Tivoli Multicultural Lounge 261

加入Mu中心文化参与和包容,与 Chef Edwin 桑多瓦尔市,业主 Xatrucho food t踏上制作洪都拉斯肉馅卷饼的旅程. Pastelitos is a gluten free empanada from Honduras made with nixtamalized heirloom corn masa. Featuring两 不同类型 馅料的: a 经典的牛胸肉和米饭配上果色玛莎酱,和 素食馅料 calabacitas椰奶和姜黄酱. 配上经典的中央冰淇淋 A茶花会 encurtido 两份萨尔萨酱: spicy莎莎 roja 还有草本莎莎酱 verde. 

在洪都拉斯出生,在科罗拉多长大, Chef 埃德温·桑多瓦尔是一位现代多元文化的食物创造者. 厨师桑多瓦尔市 spent 12 years moving through the ranks of professional 厨房. 2012年 的年龄 of 21 and armed with a culinary arts degree he appeared on the 丹佛 scene as a sous chef at Le Grand Bistro & 牡蛎 Bar and moved around the city to absorb culinary skills at places like Spuntino and Beatrice & Woodsley. 作为一名年轻的专业人士 23岁时, 厨师桑多瓦尔市 helped open Argyll Whisky Beer in uptown 丹佛 as Chef de Cuisine and at age 25 他在电报小酒馆担任行政总厨. 

车间 & 面板:职业 & DACA的收入选择 & 无证人员

10月10日星期二 |上午11:00 -下午1:00 | Jordan学生成功中心237

This workshop and lunch panel will 提供 information about career and income options for DACA and undocumented college graduates. 皇冠官网网站将讨论独立承包与. 就业, 如何申请及使用个人登记号码, 了解有用的当地资源,和ccomplished entrepreneurs will share their own experiences and tips with the audience. 提供午餐!     


La酒窖 Social


Wednesday, October 11th | NOON – 1:00PM | Tivoli Multicultural Lounge 261

原产于西班牙bodega的意思是酒窖或船壳. 只有在古巴,“bodega”才有便利店的意思. 20世纪20年代,纽约出现了第一家酒庄. Although using a Cuban word, they sold comfort food to Puerto Rican factory workers. Join the 多元文化参与与包容中心 for a Latinx influenced mini market showcasing a variety of snacks and sweets from Latinx countries. 其中包括玉米片, elotes, paletas, 油炸饼, dulces, chicharones, 还有水. 



周日,10月15日| 组装 运动 复杂的 


女子组:路跑者vs. 游骑兵|中午  

男人的游戏 |跑路者vs. 挖矿工人:下午2:30 


为了庆祝 的结尾 拉丁传统月 体育运动的女性’s 男子足球队nd 多元文化参与与包容中心 欢迎s you to 一年一度的拉丁人 game day where you can watch the Roadrunners take on the Regis Rangers and Colorado School of Mines Orediggers. 学习如何 salsa 两支足球队 在女子足球比赛之后 享受拉丁小吃,并有机会赢得奖品. Enjoy g艾姆斯、竞赛、 food 一整天都有奖品!

*Use code: 换一张免费票  


问题? 接触CMEI








校园信箱39号,P.O. 科罗拉多州丹佛市173362号信箱80217-3362